Raise Healthy.
Eat Healthy.
Live Healthy.
Ricky’s Specializing in Farm Fresh Products, Homesteading, and Community Classes.
Homestead Articles
Check out some great articles and videos on our community learning page!
Community Classes
Learn Everything From Homesteading and Poultry Processing to Sustainable Agriculture and DIY Projects.
Products and Processing
Ricky’s provides a service like no other! Bring your birds here to be processed and fill the freezer this year. We also raise our own birds for customers to purchase.
Learn the Homestead Life
Learn how to fend for yourself while maintaining sustainable techniques. Our classes include but are not limited to basic homesteading skills, chicken tractor building and maintenance, hands on hog harvesting, and canning.

“Don’t you find it odd that people will put more work into choosing their mechanic or house contractor than they will into choosing the person who grows their food?”