Future Classes


In the future, we will have a canning class. This has been one of the most intriguing to the community. Here at Ricky’s we practice homesteading techniques that will assist in sustainability and food preservation. Canning is a great way to interact with your family and generate food for the year so you have to shop less at the local grocery store. The commercial canning process includes canned products full of preservatives, salt, and chemicals. These are things we want to avoid in the homestead life. By preserving and canning your own food, these harmful additives can be removed from your diet. The class will be interactive, allowing for all students to join in on the canning process.

Poultry Economics

The poultry economics class will involve a discussion of pricings and overall cost from the day of purchase until the day of sale or processing that goes into small scale poultry production.

Past Classes


Homesteading 101

Homesteading 101 took place in January as our first class at Ricky’s. This class focused on all aspects of homesteading. We had a strong attendance from customers, community members, and those who were interested in gaining knowledge on the topic. This was a free class offered to the public. It was great to connect with people who are interersted in all that homesteading and self sufficiency has to offer!

Processers .JPG

Hog Harvest

This class took place on March 6th. Students were able to learn the forgotten skills of a traditional hog harvest as they experience and interact with the butchering of a hog from kill to meat processing. They were even able to eat sausage from the harvest! Students got their hands dirty making their own cuts and processing the meat all by hand. This is a class that involved everyone, costing $200 a person. The hog produced nearly 200 pounds of meat. Look below for more awesome pictures of this event.

Chicken Tractor Insight

Learn how to build a chicken tractor housing system for meat birds in a cost effective fashion. Ricky will take you through all the steps in building a chicken tractor, and how to furnish the tractor with objects and containers that your birds will need. As a student, you will learn all aspects of the tractor, how to move it, how to make sure you get the most out of the birds inside, and discover the products, cost, and measurments for chicken tractors that we use at Ricky’s!