Fresh Pastured Pork Products
Our services.
Baby Pigs
You Buy, You Take Home:
$100 per 8-week feeder pig (Purebred Tamworth/ Red Wattle Cross)
With purchase, customer will automatically receive a processing date with Ricky’s. (Date of your choice).
Full Grown Feeder Pigs
Born Here, Raised Here, Processed Here:
Half - 125lbs
Anticipated Hanging Weight of 250lbs. (If pig is over the target weight, customer will not pay for any additional weight).
$4.00 per pound hanging weight including sausage and smoked meat. (All meat will be smoked at Hawk’s).
Processing Cost After Purchase of Baby Pigs
$2.00 per hanging weight
Includes Bulk & Wrap as well as sausage flavor of choice.
We do not smoke meat, customer is responsible.